Language and Culture Studies
Why study another language? Here’s one recent article 这就解释了为什么学习外语能提高决策能力. Learning a foreign language opens doors to other cultures. 除了掌握一门新语言的个人挑战之外, 精通多种语言使学生能够在国际事务中追求有价值的职业, law, business, foreign service, education, and a host of other exciting fields. 全球十大网赌正规平台的语言和文化研究课程植根于对语言本身的全面了解, as utilized by contemporary speakers and writers.
语言与文化研究系为学生提供了各种各样的交流和智力刺激的机会,超出了典型的课堂环境. 学生和教授之间一对一的关系, between student and student, 学生和其他说外语的人之间的交流是课程的基准,也是个人和职业满意度的持久来源. 学生俱乐部在有趣和轻松的氛围中提供实用的外语学习机会. Trinity has majors in seven principal modern languages – Chinese, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Russian, and Spanish – as well as studies in Arabic and Hebrew. 我们杰出的教师在各个层次提供指导, 从初等课程到高级课程,所选语言的文学和其他文化方面. 语言与文化研究课程并不局限于外语课程, but also includes a rich array of classes, taught in English, 侧重于主题,如文明和外国文化的文学传统. Students who major in other disciplines, 但希望发展自己的语言技能和外国文化的知识, 可以选择通过语言集中辅修一门外语吗.
Francophone Studies
German Studies
Hispanic Studies
Italian Studies
World Literature & Culture Studies
Eve Pollack '20语言与文化研究系给了我一个机会,让我以有意义的方式把我的各种激情结合起来. 这是一个追求我对希伯来语和美国手语的热爱的机会,作为两种语言所代表的文化的双重视角. Watch the video.